Monday 30 May 2011

Hard times, good manners

This new blog is inspired by observations on how the general public behave in shops.
I have done my fair share of shopping, and have worked on the other side of the counter in many different settings in my working life - from bread to fashion and beyond.
I like to call in to my friends' wonderful independent bookshop in Bakewell to say hello, buy a card, order the odd book.
The inspiration for starting this blog today was the woman in the travel section using her phone to record page after page of a travel guide she had picked up off the shelf, and had no intention of buying.
She was oblivious to us watching and commenting on her behaviour.She wasn't even taking details to go home and order it off Amazon, as often happens!
This led to some thought and discussion over acceptable behaviour in a retail environment - it would be perfectly acceptable in Smiths or Waterstones - mainly because members of staff wouldn't care - it's not their shop, or their livelihood in the same way, and it's probably factored in to the profits if someone breaks the spine of a book or dog ears pages whilst copying it!
I think people have forgotten how to behave in shops, especially independent ones. Maybe they never knew.
This will be a guide.
I will draw on a lifetime's experience of shopping!